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Space & Support for those who feel lonely, stuck and othered in California & Oregon

Therapy | Reiki | Brainspotting | Community Gatherings



You being here, means that you’re searching.

You’re seeking.

And you’re ready to do a little exploring. Discovering. And healing.

MAYBE … you’ve arrived here because your marriage is over & you don’t know where to start rebuilding YOUR life.

MAYBE … you’re navigating a big “HAPPY” life transition like a move, a new job, or kids going off to college & you’re anything BUT happy.

MAYBE … you’re so tired of feeling lonely and like you can’t find your “people” anywhere, so you thought you’d start looking inward.

MAYBE … you gave up on organized religion but deeply miss and yearn for a spiritual community.

MAYBE … you’re feeling overwhelmed by the hate, racism, and oppressive systems of our world & need a safe place to process it all.

You’re in the right spot.

This is a place for you.

Through our work together, you are provided a safe, tender & honest space to go inward.

There are many paths that lead to an arrival at this space.

Whether you’re feeling pulled to therapy, reiki, or community gatherings, I’m just glad you’re here.

And now, it’s your turn to choose your path BACK TO YOU.

Whatever the route you took to get here, I am so glad to see you.

Choose your path back to yourself 


One on one private therapy sessions for those who feel lonely, overwhelmed & disconnected from their sense of purpose and meaning.

Community Gatherings

Connection-centered & intentionally curated, these intimate in-person or virtual gatherings can support your growth professionally & personally.

Holistic Healing

If you’re seeking the support of Reiki, Brainspotting or spiritual rituals to move through life’s transitions, I can be your guide & fellow traveler.

*All CA resident therapy sessions are provided online only


Robyn Cullen

Hi there, I’m Robyn (she/her).

I’m a white, cis-gender, hetero-presenting, able-body-presenting, spiritual-non-religious, divorced & ecstatically remarried female on a journey to create safe, sacred, decolonized and antiracist spaces in my life and business.

As a holistic healer & helper, I believe in a world where what makes us feel lonely & othered no longer keeps us separated, rather it brings us together in community.

I am a therapist & holistic healer who helps adult humans move through some of the most confusing, challenging & painful transitions in life. As well as the transitions that are “supposed to be” exciting, joyful & celebratory but for some (or many) reasons, you’re just not feeling it.


Are You Ready?
