Reiki Healing Sessions

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing.

The word Reiki is made up of two different Japanese words: “rei” = “universal” and “ki” =”energy” or “life force”. Reiki represents the “life force energy”. The belief is that there is an unseen energy that flows through all living things. This energy is believed to be around us at all times and is believed to be what creates and sustains life.

Reiki can be a cozy, gentle monthly gift of Self care or you can include it in your weekly wellness routine.

RATE: $200 for a 90-minute Reiki, Chakra Clearing & Oracle Card Pull for Guidance
$150 for a 50-minute Reiki, Chakra Clearing & Oracle Card Pull for Guidance
Sessions are offered online & in-person in SE Portland, OR
Extended sessions available

Reiki healing can is currently only offered Online utilizing Zoom.

My Reiki Journey

In 2018 I started down the path of learning more about energy work. I’ve always had a curious pull toward the healing world of metaphysics. And I started receiving Reiki treatments from my Reiki Master to help me emotionally + energetically move through my own divorce.

In 2019 as birthday presents, I decided to gift myself the Level 1 + Level 2 Reiki certification - and boy was it a deeply healing experience. Then early 2020 I became a Reiki Master - which means I am not only trained at the highest level for Usui Reiki, but I am also able to train + attune other practitioners.

It’s been an absolute honor to share my healing gifts with those interested in energy work. And I am deeply grateful for those who decide to work with me in ways beyond traditional psychotherapy.

How Does Reiki Work?

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual and energetic healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It also works in conjunction with all other therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote wellbeing.

The belief is that if someone’s life force energy is low or blocked, they are more likely to become ill or encounter imbalances, discomforts or challenges.

If someone’s life force energy is high and flowing smoothly through the body (i.e., through the meridians), then the person is more likely to be resilient to disease and be happier, healthier and more in balance.

The goal of balancing the person’s energy is very similar to that of acupuncture or acupressure. The main difference is that, with Reiki, I don’t need to touch the body.

Reiki can be done “hands-on” or “hands-off”.

I personally LOVE hands-off Reiki and it tends to be the most asked for type of healing.

Group Reiki sessions are not only deeply connecting, but they are also deeply healing.

What Reiki can help with…

  • Improves the body’s ability to heal

  • Reduce pain and inflammation

  • Aid in improving digestive function

  • Increase the effectiveness of traditional medical and psychiatric treatment

  • Reduce the side effects of medical treatments (e.g., anesthesia, chemotherapy)

  • Improve your stress response to stimulus

  • Provide stress reduction and relaxation

  • Improve sleep

  • Increase optimism and hope

  • Improve spiritual growth

  • And so much more!

Is Reiki in-person or done remotely?

While I LOVE hosting in-person reiki sessions (both group & individual) at this time all Reiki sessions are distance sessions meaning we will meet on Zoom to experience reiki.

When I have another space to offer in-person sessions again, I will update this page and my email community will be the first to know! So be sure to register below for monthly-ish newsletters.

Reiki is offered both as a distance or remote session as well as in-person when the space is available.

When offered as a distance session, you can receive Reiki from the comfort and privacy of your own home. And the best part is you can be in your jammies, and totally comfy if you prefer.

Before Your Remote Reiki Session

  • Preparing for your Reiki Session can ensure that you get the most out of the energy. You will want to set an intention of what you want to get out of your session. (ie: I want to get restful sleep, I want to unblock my throat chakra, I want to release tension I’ve held in my heart, etc).

  • You will also want to make sure that you create a safe, comfortable + sacred space for you to be when your session starts (ie: your bedroom, a cozy chair or bed, etc.) that is free from distractions. This means TVs off, candles lit and incense burning - if that’s your jam.

During Your Reiki Session

  • Whether it’s distance or in-person, I recommend that while you’re receiving Reiki, that you try to relax by doing some gentle breathing exercises like counting each breath to ten and then starting over or you could mediate allowing your imagination to take you on a journey.

  • I will check your energetic field for any leaks, gaps or imbalances - and this is usually where I focus the energy.

  • When receiving distance reiki, I use a Reiki doll during the session that represents your body. Whether you are in-person or remote you may feel body sensations directly in relation to how I am working on the doll, based on what parts of your energetic field needs attention.

  • Starting from the top of your energy field to the toes, I will administer reiki throughout your body. Because Reiki is intelligent, it will go exactly where it needs to go regardless of where I direct it.

  • In chakra balancing, I will check each chakra to test is functioning and if it is in balance or not. I hold the pendulum over each chakra (either above your body in-person, or over the Reiki doll for distance reiki) while taking note of chakras to talk with you more about it after the session.

RATE: $200 for a 90-minute Reiki, Chakra Clearing & Oracle Card Pull for Guidance
$150 for a 50-minute Reiki, Chakra Clearing & Oracle Card Pull for Guidance
Sessions are offered online & in-person in SE Portland, OR
Extended sessions available

After Your Reiki Session

After your session has commenced I will either email you a photo of the notes I took and we will meet back in the Zoom room or I will sit with you and review them together. I will tell you about any chakras that might have been out of wack. Do not despair if you have chakras out of balance. EVERYONE has at least one or more not acting at its optimal potential most of the time. It is actually rare to have all your chakras functioning perfectly. What is important is to learn about which chakra is congested and what you can do to keep it clear. (Click here for a quick & easy beginners guide to Chakras)

Here are a few other things you can expect after a reiki session:

  • I will share images I saw + how I treated the area in need, as well as any messages I received from my spirit guides or yours.

  • You can share your intention or any insights, visions, memories or physical sensations that came up during your meditation.

  • You might find yourself feeling a little dehydrated after a session. Since Reiki really turns up the gears on the body’s healing process, this burns a bit more energy. Be sure to drink a lot of water after your session, allowing the water to further flush any toxins or released energy from your body.

  • You may have some intense dreams right after Reiki. It’s a great idea to write them down so you can remember them later. The reason for this is your spirit was given a dose of divine energy, connecting you more deeply with Spirit/The Divine/Universe/God/Allah - whatever your Source of Divine is called.

Remember that just because your session is finished, that doesn’t mean the Reiki energy is finished.

I always end a session thanking my Reiki guides and request that they keep Reiki energy flowing through you for the next 24 hours. This might even cause intense dreams or even a bit of lightheadedness. This is completely normal. Stay hydrated and open to synchronicities coming your way to take your healing even further. I recommend that you journal often through out the following 24-48 hours and to stay present to your surroundings - enjoying the sights, smells, sensations, and anything else that is happening all around you. Reiki can heighten your senses - so enjoy it.

RATE: $200 for a 90-minute Reiki, Chakra Clearing & Oracle Card Pull for Guidance
$150 for a 50-minute Reiki, Chakra Clearing & Oracle Card Pull for Guidance
Sessions are offered online & in-person in SE Portland, OR
Extended sessions available