Brainspotting Sessions

**I offer support via video appointments. We are all struggling with something right now, you are NOT alone.**

You know the saying, “The eyes are the windows to the soul,” well - in Brainspotting we know that to be true.

Think about how often you look into the eyes of another being.

We do this to check in. To assess the level of connection. To “see” if you’re being listened to + understood. And perhaps you’re looking for confirmation that you’re simply not alone in that very moment.

While a person’s expression through body language + facial expressions can be hide emotions, the eyes are usually pretty honest. We can always sense the emotional state of another by connecting with their eyes. So why would it be any different with our own eyes? They tell so much about our inner working - all one has to do, is pay attention.

Brainspotting uses the eyes as a window to the soul and a portal to healing. It is a holistic healing modality built on the mind-body-spirit connection. Brainspotting is based on particular points in the person’s field of vision (“spots”) that are used to connect with a particular issue or memory stored in the brain and bring it forward for healing. It turns out that where we look in our field of vision is closely related to how our brain stores information, and the feelings associated with that information. This is very similar to how a particular memory can be triggered by a smell or a song you haven’t heard in a long time. Memories, feelings, and thought patterns are associated with certain sounds, smells, and eye position. During a brainspotting session, the position of your eyes acts as a special key to unlock what hasn’t been reachable previously – It is a key that opens the door to healing.

RATES: $150 for a 50 minute brainspotting session
$200 for a 90 minute brainspotting session
Sessions are offered online & in-person in SE Portland, OR
Extended sessions available

What Happens in a Brainspotting session

Here’s what you can expect to experience in a brainspotting session with me:

  • If we are virtual, you will sit in front of your camera (a computer screen camera is highly recommended in order to have a full visual range) if in-person, we will sit 3-4 feet apart facing one another.

  • I will be holding a pointer + you’ll be asked to focus your eyes on the end of the pointer. The pointer is used to move through your field of vision (side-to-side and up / down) to find the “spot” associated with the particular issue the client wants to resolve.

  • Once you get near a spot, (so amazing when you do!), you can tell me exactly where the spot is, sometimes with extreme precision by directing me, “…move the pointer half an inch to the left and 2 inches down.”

  • Once the spot has been identified, you relax and focus your eyes on the spot while holding your gentle attention on the issue you’re wanting to heal or resolve.

  • I am there to be with you through this healing as well as help you stay grounded or even go deeper if you need, Together, we compassionately process that spot - sometimes this is through verbal processing of wherever your brain takes you (ie: memories, images, emotions, etc) and sometimes you don’t say a single word.

Some brainspots will zero in on a trauma or a negative thought pattern to facilitate healing, while other brainspots are the exact opposite and can act as supportive conduits of expansion. In some sessions we may identify both types of spots and use them together to heal and grow at the same time. The supportive brainspots can be used to enable forward growth toward goals, facilitate a better understanding and connection to yourself, or improve performance in a particular area.

RATES: $150 for a 50 minute brainspotting session
$200 for a 90 minute brainspotting session
Sessions are offered online & in-person in SE Portland, OR
Extended sessions available

What Brainspotting Can help with…

Brainspotting can help with so many different issues. These are the most common ones my clients come to me in search of relief from.

  • A broken heart - from a death, an expired relationship or simply deep disappointment.

  • Unprocessed grief - loss of anything from a job, an opportunity, or a life once lived.

  • Physical & emotional trauma - any experience where you felt your life or safety was threatened.

  • Recovery from injury & accident - a situation in which you experienced unexpected pain/loss.

  • Diminished Self-Esteem - where constant negative self-talk inhibits feeling fulfillment in life + love.

  • Anxiety / Stress - from everyday challenges to chronic overwhelming helplessness.

  • Confidence in public speaking or support for an upcoming stressful situation.

  • Improvement in creativity - removal of creative blocks in writing, art, music, events, dance, etc.

Body + Mind + Spirit Healing

As you may know, there is a deep connection between and among your body, mind + spirit. Brainspotting utilizes the innate wisdom of your own Self to heal yourself by targeting the exact issues that have kept you stuck, hurting + frustrated.

Brainspotting identifies the “spots” in the brain that need attention but it also relies on felt body sensations that arise connected to each particular issue. These could be sensations like a tightening feeling in the chest, or a cramping in the stomach, a buzzing in the ears, or a positive feeling such as a feeling of calm in the chest, a sense of well-being in the stomach, an expansive feeling of support at the crown of the head. When we’re guided to bring our attention to these sensations it allow you to heal even deeper. It’s also key in helping you stay anchored in the present moment rather than getting caught up in the chatter of your mind (like many of us do so often.)

We are wired to connect. To bond. To feel seen + heard + understood + cared for. Therefore, the most important element in a Brainspotting session is that you feel safe, held + cared for through out the session. You will know if this feeling is present, because you will be able to allow yourself to move through thoughts, sensations, and exploration all while knowing that I’ve got you. (Because I do.)

My clients have described this as deeply healing, where they can fully let go and allow themselves to feel both the biggest of emotions and the waves of relief that roll in shortly after. Sometimes without ever saying a single word.

RATES: $150 for a 50 minute brainspotting session
$200 for a 90 minute brainspotting session
Sessions are offered online & in-person in SE Portland, OR
Extended sessions available

More on Brainspotting